What To Visit In Marrakech


Know what to visit in Marrakech, including the bustling Djemaa el Fna square, the stunning Bahia Palace, the historic Saadian Tombs, and the colorful souks.

The idea of the following article is to present the 10 places to visit in Marrakech that we should not miss. Sites that we can see without problems during a weekend and that will surely bring us a good memory. Labyrinthine souks where to buy almost anything, a square where the kaos reigns on its four sides, fairy-tale palaces and religious monuments, are the sites that we will detail below.


Marrakech is a magical city that surprises visitors in a thousand ways, especially those who visit it for the first time. Many describe it as a chaotic city, others stressful and where you can not walk quietly. In any case it is not for lack of security or much less, but for its tireless inhabitants when trying to sell us some souvenir or encourage us to eat in their restaurants. Tip, change the chip.

The center of Marrakech (the medina) is small and we can see it in a single day. To this we should add several important points outside the medina and that will require taking a means of transport to reach them, which would involve spending another day. We can therefore say that with just two days we will be able to see the main sights of Marrakech.


Many accidents or medical problems occur every year. Not that it is a complicated country but due to the type of country it is, the climate and its geographical location should be assured. Transfers are also often a problem and repatriation even more so. We must know where we are going and that the means available are scarce, so let us never hope that the evacuation will be very rapid.

In any case we recommend Iati Insurance, as it is the one we usually use and so far it has worked very well.


Already with the experience of other years, we knew what to visit in Marrakech and what to pass by. Therefore I encourage you to propose a list of the main points of interest of Marrakech as you travel. Here are what to visit in Marrakech:

1. Jemaa el-Fna Square

If you are at the top of the list of what to visit in marrakech is for a reason. It is the nerve center of the city and three-dimensional door to another era. It is certainly a shock in every way where food stalls and souvenirs intermingle between the local crowd and tourists.

Snake charmers, juicy sellers, affordable restaurants, henna tattoos, souvenir shops, chained atlas monkeys accompanied by their insensitive owners (please do not promote this type of tourism), local music and endless things accompany the day to this unmistakable square.

Ideally, we visit at night or from 18:00, when all the food stalls are deployed. That’s where the soul of Jemma the Fna will captivate us.

We recommend you take a good glass of orange juice or other fruits for a small price between 4 and 10 dh. They are delicious and abundant. Another option is to eat at one of the stalls for 50/60dh per person, where a good cuscus or tajin can not miss.

As a last tip, the improvements seen are in the Le grand balcon du café glacier. But beware, from 16:00 it starts to crowd.

2. Traditional Souk of Marrakech

This labyrinth of souks of different kinds is perhaps one of the most important attractions of Marrakech. Countless stalls of all kinds of things, especially crafts, food, souvenirs, clothes, …. , makes more than a pique to take a nice souvenir. However, for this we must know how to bargain a fair price for both parties and not get angry if no agreement is reached.

It is best to get lost and if possible make use of a map or GPS to be able to return to jemma el fna the first time. Then little by little we will get the taste and it will not be so easy to get lost.

It is divided into several souks, such as that of animals, spices, tanners, …. etc. In any case the main souks are:

Souk Kchaha: they sell nuts, fruits and vegetables.
Souk Semmarine: any item related to leather.
Spice souk
Souk of the Dyers (Sebbaguine)
Haddadine souk (from the blacksmiths)
Souk of the tanners (tenneries)

3. Saadian Tombs

Near one of the ancient gates to the city, Bab Agnaou, are the Saadies tombs next to the mosque of Moulay el Yazid. These tombs date back almost 500 years, which were lost over time and rediscovered in the early 20th century.

The complex consists of several buildings, highlighting the first just entering which contains several rooms of special beauty. An example is the central hall or 12-column hall. Completely white marble of great quality and a ceiling carved on cedar to the smallest detail.

In addition the room guards the graves of the sons of Sultan Ahmad al-Mansur and of course the same, the creator of the complex. The other rooms host other important characters and the outside area is assigned to service personnel and soldiers.

Price: 70dh
Opening hours: 09:00 – 17:00

4. El Badi Palace

It is a 16th century palace built by Sultan Ahmad al-Mansur, the same one who erected the Saadi tombs. Its current state is ruinous of which barely remain the walls and some building practically without rooms. It is therefore difficult to imagine how their more than 300 rooms were.

The exterior consists of several fountains, some empty and others full of oranges. The best is the terrace located above the palace offices. Too bad this place only lived 100 years of splendor before the capital of the kingdom moved from Marrakech to Meknés, very close to Fez.

Price: 70dh
Opening hours: 09:00 – 17:00

5. The Salat al-Azama synagogue

The Jews expelled from Spain in 1492 migrated partly to Morocco, where they were not persecuted. With the passage of time the population began to dwindle and with the creation of the state of Israel, most left Marrakech, where today there are only about 1% of Jews.

This current rarity is worth your visit, but beware if we visit it on weekend, go on Sunday! In fact, if we feel like more, 500 meters away is the Jewish cemetery.

Price: 10dh
Opening hours: 09:00 – 17:00. Saturday closed

6. Bahia Palace

It is perhaps the most visited palace in Marrakech and it is common to visit it crowded with organized groups so it is advisable to get up early. In fact it is large, with more than 100 rooms located on 8 hectares and even with that we will find some privacy.

He ordered the construction of Ahmed bin Musa in the 19th century in honour of his wife “Bahia”. and reminds us a lot of the Alcazar of Seville, keeping our distance. If you have to put a catch is that practically all its instances are empty of decoration.

Price: 70dh
Opening hours: 09:00 – 17:00. Saturday closed

7. Museum of Marrakech

The museum of Marrakech is housed in an old palace next to the mosque of Ben Youseff. It consists of a permanent exhibition of ceramics, carpets, weapons, and objects related to Marrakech and other places in Morocco. There are also temporary exhibitions of abstract painting, tribal and other trends.

Although undoubtedly the biggest attraction is its huge main hall with its large central lamp.

Price: 50dh
Opening hours: 09:00 – 17:00

8. The madrassa of Ben Youseff

This is the largest madrassa (Koranic school) in Morocco. It can accommodate 800/900 students in a building that was built in the 14th century.

Its exterior is quite rough but once inside we will marvel at the decoration of its looks and arches, making use of cedar, stucco and marble with exquisite taste.
It is closed for works in 2020 and is estimated to open at the end of the year. A pity because it is the most famous place within the list of “to visit in Marrakech”.

Price: 10dh
Opening hours: 09:00 – 17:00

9. Koutoubia Mosque

This 12th century mosque served as a model for the giralda of Seville, hence its great similarity. Currently it is the largest in Marrakech and unfortunately its access is exclusive to Muslims.

In its back is the park Lalla Hasna. A paradise and quite cool for its numerous sources and shadows. Ideal for the hottest summers.

10. The garden of the Menara

The last what to visit in Marrakech. The views of the Atlas with its snowy mountains reflected in its waters are its first claim. This garden, located 5 kilometers from Jemaa el Fna Square, was built in the 12th century by the caliph Abs al-Mumin.

The waters of its pond serve as irrigation for the thousands of olive trees that populate the garden. In addition, years ago, it served as a training pool for the Moroccan army.

In its central part there is a small palace which is accessed after paying a ticket.

Price: 50dh
Opening hours: 09:00 – 17:00


How to bargain?

Haggling is not as difficult as it seems. You just have to be patient and try to lower the price until both parties are satisfied. It is usually possible to lower prices by half and even triple. If we take more things from the same position, the discount will be higher.

That’s right, if we don’t buy anything, we risk being bullied for a while while as we continue our journey through the souk.

Where to Exchange Money?

The currency of the country is the Dirham and equals approximately 1€ = 10 dh. There are numerous places to exchange money but perhaps the most comfortable is to go to Hotel Ali Change. it is worth and especially its ease of access.

What to eat in Marrakech?

There are many dishes to taste, but the ones we have to try are definitely the Tajin, the cuscus and the pastilla. Tajin is a stew cooked in a utensil of the same name made of cooked clay. It is usually served with plums and lamb. Its price ranges between 40 and 80dh approximately, although if you bring very special ingredients can rise a little more.

Cuscus dishes are many and usually very abundant. There are vegetables, chicken, lamb and even one called royal that brings everything. They cost between 40 and 75dh according to restaurant.
The tablet is made of layers of very thin dough and inside there are chicken, cinnamon, almonds, onion, sugar and spices. It is ideal as a starter and costs about 40dh.

Another delight is the Moroccan salads based on local products as well as their sweets. A kilo of sweets usually costs 100dh.